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The Craft

Last weekend I took a class on making photo transfers. very cool stuff. So of course I ran out and bought myself some gel medium, printed some photos, and spread out on the dining room table. Now when I’ve got my art supplies out, Chris will tell Erin not to touch Mommy’s stuff, to leave things alone, “Mommy’s crafting”. Well, every time I hear that – “Mommy’s crafting”, part of my brain wants to object – crafting? I’m not “crafting”, I’m making ART damn it! But the glue fumes leave me a bit apathetic and meh, whatever…

So, for this month’s Vox show (more an that later), Kyle was making a couple mixed media tiles while I worked on some transfers. Suddenly everyone was crafting and Erin was not going to be left out! She wanted to craft too! Believe me, everything with that girl is followed by an exclamation point. And because I’m not always the sharpest tool (I blame all that crafty glue sniffin’), I bought Erin a Crayola Color Wonders paint/marker/Sleeping Beauty set.

Crayola Color Wonders Sleeping Beauty Set

Now Erin is “crafting” too. And pretty damn obsessed with those paints. Time for bed? God speed. You’ll have to pry that paint brush from her G.I.Joe kung-fu grip. And lets hope you didn’t value your hearing much, cause you’re ears are now bleeding. That can’t be good. And her first words upon waking in the morning? “I craft?!”  “You help me craft?!” “I’m not hungry! I craft now!!”

So, yeah… she crafts. I’m wicked scared.

The Craft movie poster

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