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How do you solve a problem like Elfini

damn this blog.

At least the zombie genre is still popular, cause this blog just won’t stay dead. And that’s not really what I want anyways, but what to do? Add to my general apathy to write anything (insert Social Media killed the Blog argument here), there is the issue of the name “elfini”. It feels over for me. It was a past life that doesn’t resonate anymore. Yet to change it isn’t the answer either. So I made a new banner. And got rid of a sidebar. There. New year, new look. Still nothing to say. So it goes.

But, since we aren’t ready to give up just yet, I will make an effort to post here more often. Something. Even if it is only pictures of Erin for the Uber-in-laws. Hey! Speaking of the Ubers – they are having their 50th wedding anniversary this month! That’s pretty damn awesome. And my job is to scan 50 years worth of photos for a slideshow. I scanned 36 pics this morning and have many many envelopes still to go. Here are a few of my favorites so far:

damn. This is making *me* feel old.
Look, Hobbits!
Aww, a six day old Chris! They called him "Kit". ??? And there is the mighty boxer Brutus. I think he wants to eat Kit!!
Yes, I think Chris could use a new pair of red overalls with white polka-dots too!
Brutus is all "Can I eat *this* one?!"

Well, I think that’s enough for today. Time for dinner. I’m thinking … BRAAAIIINS!

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On zombies, birthdays, and sewing machines

7 months later, it appears this blog has once again risen from the dead…


There have been a couple times these last few months when I thought about writing a post; Kyle’s 15th birthday, Easter (for the whole ”it has risen” thing and pics of Kyle being taken down by a 3yo with a squirt gun!), Erin’s 5th birthday, but today is the day! So, let’s catch up.

That new drug? After playing around with the dosage, I’ve found a balance that makes my migraines much more manageable and the side-effects minimal. So that is huge and has improved all our lives – cause it was getting bad people. Let’s file that in the “good news” column.

There were some holidays. Fun and merriment had by all.

In January we went to Florida to visit my parent and freeze our butts off at Disney World!

There were a bunch of birthdays. (Not mine. Don’t worry, you didn’t miss it!) Too much cake had by all.

It has just about been a whole school year since my last post. I have 2 semesters under my belt. Lots of good stuff there. Kyle has 3 weeks left of his first year of high school. And then 4 weeks of summer school. I don’t want to talk about it. ::glares at the “bad news” column::

Oh and I finished this today!

Well, I think that’s enough for today. Baby steps…

(and 2 of the fingers on my left hand are too tender to type anymore! #multiplestabwounds)