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True Free Rebel Spirit

Last summer I took an on-line drawing class to keep busy between school semesters. I  think I started to tell you about it here, but got a bit side tracked. ahem. Anyways, the on-line class was great! I loved the daily assignments (without a grade or anyone even caring if you did it or not! HolyFreedomIOnlyAnswerToMyselfJoy!!) and learning new techniques and using art supplies that I don’t usually employ. It was fun and I rediscovered the joy of sketching. A thin-tipped pen for scratching lines is my favorite and my best! You can see all my drawings and doodles in this flickr set here. fun!

I knew at some point I would take another on-line class and that time is now. A year long class with a new project each month. sweet. The artist/instructor is Mindy Lacefield, whose style I have admired since seeing her artwork at Lisa’s house last year. And yes, this is me moving even further out of what is “normal” for me. I actually bought… <whisper>glitter paints</whisper>.


I know, I don’t even know me anymore.

Anyways, we have our first project up and it is a True Free Spirit girl – an example of which you can see in the link above for Mindy. I bought a 9×12″ panel and laid down the first layer of ephemera last Sunday.

Of course I offset the girly-nature of this painting with a photocopy of skulls from the catacombs that just happened to be on my desk. You also balance girly-painting by playing Assassin’s Creed II – in which you get to run around in the catacombs in 15th century Florence! (and then kill that bastard traitor Francesco de’ Pazzi!)

Then I started painting. And may I just say that those Sharpie Paint Pens are pretty damn cool. Here is where I left things. No comment on the sparkles.

And because I spent an exhausting day assassinating Templars and didn’t get to work on my painting, I attempted a True Free Spirit girl on my iPad with the ArtRage app after dinner Monday night.

Man, that is a lot of pink! What is not shown is the many many layers of “paint” that I applied to my digital canvas. I’m still not using that app to its full potential. But my new brush stylus that Santa brought me rocks!

After a rather gory dream Tuesday night, I skipped the video game yesterday and focused on painting my girl’s face. That. Was. Hard. I spent the whole morning working on an area the size of a chocolate chip cookie.

mmm… cookies…

I left things yesterday in mock-up mode trying to balance out the background. Let’s see what happens after a bit of lunch.

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The 20/20 Show *is* the news

Yay, more news! My submission was accepted in the the annual juried 20/20 show now held at the Kennedy Gallery. For the 20/20 show, each artist is given 20 8″x8″ panels to create small artworks that present a collective theme. Of course my medium is photography (this time digital to keep it easy!) and my theme is Santa Cruz: Locals Only. I shot all the images over a 3 day weekend last month and I’ve already printed them. I’ve been sick the last couple weeks, so I’ve spent the time slowly painting the edges of my panels.

The show is May 12th – Second Saturday of course. There is also a “Works in Progress” reception on Thursday April 12th that will have 1 piece from each artist on display. April’s show also includes the 4th Annual Spring Flowers Show and resident artist Judith Monroe works “No Place Like It”. See you there!