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I can’t take the pressure!!

Well, that blood pressure medicine I was taking finally kicked in on Tuesday and it was not good. My blood pressure was low. Way low. Passing out now low. So a quick call to the doctor’s office and that experiment is done. No more Norvasc for me. Two days later I’m starting to feel normal again. Well, normal for me. shut up.

Turns out I’m going to need my energy, I’ve got a lot of work to get done this weekend. Vox has found a new home and I’m happy to say that I’m going to be exhibiting  in the October show! And we hang that show on Monday!! Looks like I’m gonna be framing some photographs and transfers over the next couple days.

Also on my to-do list – self portraits for my photography class. gah. Luckily the critique has been pushed back a week so I have a bit more time to get the roll shot, developed, and an enlargement made. But I can’t continue slackin’ on this for long, because in 2 weeks Chris and I are going to Boston for a long weekend!

So to recap:

This weekend: shoot some photos and frame some other photos.

Monday: spend the evening helping hang show at the new Vox location.

Next weekend: Second Saturday!

And then Boston! 4 cameras/3 days.

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I sold my husband on Ebay – cheap!

OK, that’s not entirely true. What is true is that I sold the photograph I had up at this month’s Vox show!  (Man, I love saying that!)

Hopeless Romantic

Yep, that’s Chris, the reluctant model for one of the Utata Iron Photographer projects. And speaking of Utata, guess who is part of their new Code Ninja Strike Force? That’s right – me! And that is their title, not mine – these are my people! I’m told I’ll be paid in cake. That’s cool.

In other big news, in the paying gig world, I am the new Code Artist for Sweet Blog Design! I am so happy to be working with some of my favorite bloggers.

I sold a photo. I am a Code Ninja/Code Artist/geek. I think that covers it.

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Love is in the air…

and I’m in the mood for… framing some art!


After having the month of January off (just couldn’t pull my piece together in time due to those pesky holidays!), I’m showing again in February’s Second Saturday show at Vox! Me and an intimate group of 35 artists! And you guessed it – the theme is “love”. I have no idea what I’m going to show.

Love…  I’m so sure

Like,  gag me with a spoon!

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‘Tis the Season

Vox Dec flyer

Ah yes, the December show at Vox. Hey, you didn’t think you were gonna get an actual blog post did you? Maybe next week. Today I have to print the photos for the show. Tomorrow we hang! I was contemplating showing a painting this month, but I had to put my easel away yesterday to make room for the Christmas tree. So, no more painting for awhile. Luckily I didn’t pick up my dad’s habit of leaving the tree up until it’s D. E. A. D. dead. One year we had a particularly hardy tree up through the spring!

Anyways, they is light at the end of the “sorry I’ve been so busy” tunnel. Homework for my PHP class is done for the most part. I turned in the beta-version of the website I built for my final project last Thursday. This week I’ll review and comment on the sites of 2 classmates. Then I’ll get the feed-back on my site and turn in the final version by the 17th. After that, maybe my brain will stop thinking in “if/else” statements and I’ll have something worthwhile to say. Or a least a pic of Erin or two for the Ubers.

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Where is Oliver Stone when you need him?!

2 weekends ago we went to Santa Cruz. I double checked my calendar to confirm this because it sure doesn’t feel like I’ve been to Santa Cruz recently. We drove down Friday night as usual, got up Sat morning and drove down to Monterey and went to the aquarium. I took a few pics but most were slightly out of focus because we cruised through the place at break-neck toddler speed! I think we may have seen a couple fish. And Sunday we were back home. The whole weekend was a blur.

And then came Monday. It started out so promising… until my computer wouldn’t power on. In case you missed that – My computer, it would not turn on. I nursed an Elevated Level (that would be a nice DHS yellow) panic all day telling myself that my hard-drives were probably ok and it was just a broken On button right? RIGHT?! Chris had to talk me down several times during the day and that evening I drove downtown to hang the new show at Vox. Before I even got out of the car I took a Maxalt for my looming migraine. And that was my world until Saturday afternoon. Dead computer and a migraine. I was even too sick to go to the Artist Reception Friday night. I was not happy. But, our personal IT guy,Victor, ran some tests on my computer and declared the mother-board dead. I think fried was the term he used. But more importantly, both of my hard-drives were ok! So, Saturday morning Chris and Victor went to Fry’s and bought me a new computer. And that afternoon, while Victor was transferring my data to the new machine, my headache finally went away.

Coincidence?  I’m not so sure…

So, I got dressed, grabbed Kyle, and we headed downtown for Second Saturday and the Urban Landscape show at VoxSac! And it was fantastic – so many great pieces. And I had a blast talking with Jill, Jill, Lawrence, Chuck, Curtis, and Amy, and anyone else who would listen. Apparently I also chatted with Eric and volunteered to re-do their website! I told Chris this afternoon that in the future it might be prudent to keep me in the house for an additional 24 hrs after a multi-day headache.

And of course I took some photos at the gallery, but since I am still trying to find my way around Windows 7 and installing programs everytime I want to do something, it might be awhile before I get them online. Check out the photos from everyone else at the VoxSac Flickr group site.