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wow. August kinda rocked! Between an really fun August project for True Free Spirit and the Visual Quest course work, I finished 3 canvases and several paintings in my journal!

This is the TFS  “primitive” painting that is also my donation for the ‘2013 Artists For The Cure‘ fundraiser.

Mixed-media on 10″x10″ wood panel.

And then a background I had started for another “primitive” TFS painting took a Visual Quest of its own and became this:

Acrylic on 11″x14″ wood panel.

A couple pages from the art journal:

And finally my finished painting for Visual Quest!

Mixed-media on 30″x30″ wood panel. Sorry the image quality is so poor. If only I knew a photographer.

So yeah, a fun month of creative flow! Let’s hope I can keep it going through September.

To help with that (and because I must have bumped my head again) I decided to try the 29 Faces Challenge. Yeah, basically I’m going to attempt to make 29 faces in 30 days. And that could happen. But you are also “supposed” to create a blog post each day with your Face. Well we all know that ain’t gonna happen. Maybe a weekly update. Or Instagram! That’s doable.

Since I didn’t find out about this fun little project until today, I submit the self-portrait sketch I did on Friday. This is for the first project in my Printmaking class.

28 to go.
