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Summertime Shows

The school year is almost over, the temps are rising, summer is just around the corner. And summertime means the California State Fair and Viewpoint’s Annual Member’s Exhibition!

And while as long as I pay my annual membership fees, the Viewpoint show is a gimme; I am beyond thrilled to again have 2 pieces accepted in the Fine Arts Exhibit at this years State Fair!  

The first piece is a triptych of B&W photographs:  


Received an Award of Excellence!!

And the second piece is my latest painting “Singing Over the Bones”: 


 Received an Award of Merit!

This is a 30″x30″ acrylic/mixed media painting.   This canvas has been through so many stages and layers before this final version, it is a new direction for me and I am so pleased it will be included in the exhibition.

I’m also working on an extremely small by comparison 6″x6″ piece for the The Temp‘s 6×6 | Year 2 show opening on June 6th.  

And I’m still trying to decide on the piece to hang for the Viewpoint Member’s Show. If I have the time between my son’s volleyball tournaments, I might try to hand-color a print. No promises.



6×6 at the Sacramento Temporary Contemporary: June 6 – 27, 2013

Viewpoint Member’s Show: July 10 – Aug 3 2013

CA State Fair: July 12 – 28, 2013


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“The Price of Enlightenment” is here!

Wow. My first solo photography show opened this past weekend. I think I am still trying to process the whole experience.

The Artist Reception was Friday night, and it was great. Friends, family, professors and fellow students all in attendance and of course full of support and praise. A fantastic evening and my only regret is not taking more photos!

The next night was the 2nd Saturday reception and my first real exposure to the general public. And if art is meant to provoke and elicit a reaction, well then mission accomplished! Good or bad, people definitely responded! The evening was absolutely surreal. My favorite moments were when someone would step into the gallery, took a quick look around, mutter “dolls, um no!” turn around and quickly exit! classic.

Again, I neglected to take pictures. Luckily, other people were not so preoccupied. Here is time-lapse video put together by one of the Viewpoint docents. And this is pretty much how the whole evening felt for me!


Thank you to everyone who came out this past weekend. And a special thanks to my husband Chris and my family for putting up with all the craziness these past few months as I finished all the little details in putting this exhibit together. <cough>artist statement</cough>

The show runs through the rest of August, so you still have plenty of time to go check it out. enjoy!

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Let the games begin!

or something like that…

It is July 10 and this week is busy! And the beginning of a very busy month. Man, I still need to write my Artist Statement for my solo show! 

Last night I dropped off a print at Vox for this show:

Join me and 53 other artist/photographers in a “12 Hours in Sacramento” art experiment. These artists have come together to showcase individual images taken over a span of 12 hours in the greater Sacramento area. For my part, come and see what 6pm in the sticks looks like.  

The California State Fair opens on Thursday July 12th! Make sure you check out the Fine Art Exhibit in Expo Center Building 7. Look for my 2 award winning photographs!

And because 3 is the magic number, The Viewpoint Member’s Exhibit opens this week with the Artist Reception on Friday night (Friday the 13th – you know it’s gonna be good!) and then the Second Saturday reception on the 14th. I am showing a new photograph “The Three Graces”. It is one of the preliminary images of a new series I am working on.

So I hope our paths cross as some point during this busy art-filled weekend!

Next week I buckle down and get that statement written and begin the final promo push for next month’s show!


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It’s all about your Viewpoint

So. That bigs news I’ve been sitting on the past 2 months? It turns out the phone call from Ellen at Viewpoint wasn’t just a dream – the rumors are true and the cat is out of the bag. I am having a solo show at Viewpoint‘s Step Up Gallery next year!!

//takes several deep breaths



Either in August or October of 2012. That gives me half a year to get everything done. No sweat. ha! And if you just don’t want to have to wait that long, I just found out yesterday that I had one of my submissions accepted in Viewpoint’s annual juried show Twelve: Parallels. So you’ll be able to see two of my new images in December!

Oh! And as if that isn’t enough, I was the ‘New Member’ interviewee in the latest Viewpoint newsletter. Why yes, I am a bit overwhelmed right now. Overwhelmed, extremely happy, and damn proud.