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Oh Holy … crap! It’s almost Christmas!

Somehow I missed writing a post in November. Man. I don’t even remember November. There was turkey right? Well let’s see if I can remember December so far… I made it to the opening reception of the “Make Your Own Kind of Music” at The Temp. A miracle as I was fighting a migraine while viewing my migraine painting. So very meta.              The show is up through this weekend. Check it out! Got our #kickassxmastree and decked the halls, plus 90% of shopping done. Erin lost 2 more teeth. Rats ate my car! My semester ended. I got an A. Printmaking B next term! Went to San Mateo last weekend with Kyle for the final Power League tournament. They came in 8th in the Gold Division. Not too shabby. And again ended higher than the 17-1s team so yay! Missed Second Saturday, but sold one of my pieces at the Art Under 100 Bucks show at BodyTribe! Still 2 very affordable prints available. ::wink wink nudge nudge:: While we were out of town, Erin got sick. Fever for 2 days and ended up in Urgent Care Sunday night. Diagnosis: flu. Kyle and I got home and then turned right…

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Welcome to the House of Pestilence

I’ve been sick, sick, and more sick. For weeks now. I see no end to this. Erin got sick and then better. Chris got sick and got better even faster. Kyle never gets sick. I am going to be sick for the rest of my life. So it goes. I’ve missed 2 weeks of school. Which means I am no longing taking the Illustration class. I still hadn’t gotten the paperwork in to add it and after missing 3 classes there is no point. Maybe I’ll try again next semester. Maybe. I’m okay in Photography because I was ahead of the game when I got sick. So if I ever get back to class, I have work ready to start making Van Dyke prints. I have a fever, a hacking cough, and have even taken naps. Bring on the other Horsemen. While we wait, here are a couple videos of the kids. Don’t  tell CPS. Erin vs the Atomic Warheads Extreme Sour Hey Kyle, why does it feel so good to have sore muscles massaged?

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Preschool makes me sick!

Okay, by now you should know that Erin started preschool this week. She seems to be enjoying it, but hasn’t gotten the hang of actually going to sleep during nap time yet. I’m sure you can imagine the fun I’m having trying to get an overly tired toddler ready for school each morning. Yeah. good times. Now before we could even officially enroll her, they asked that I come in and spend half a day with her, which I did last Wednesday. I hung out, on a tiny little chair, all morning. Calming her when she was upset and nudging her back to her chair when she tried to roam off and do her own thing. Yeah, that was fun too. This whole preschool thing is obviously trying to kill me. And you may think I’m speaking figuratively, but I’m not. And here’s why. I left class this morning feeling a little blah. Chalked it up to getting assigned a crap enlarger and not getting my photogram done. By the time I got home I was trying to remember if I had actually ingested some developer because I was really starting to feel strange. In a not good, have I…

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Cold Coding

or coding with a cold. Either way – don’t do it. Early last week Erin got sick and spent a night throwing up. It was … unpleasant. She had a slight fever the next day and then was fine. Of course, the following day Chris went down. He tried to drag me down with him, but I managed to stay out of the range of “deathly-ill, can’t get out of bed, must sleep more” and just hung out in the “Land of Feeling Like Crap and Fighting a Migraine” all weekend. I don’t recommend that place, the service sucks and the towels are really scratchy. Anyways, the weekend was a slug-fest with Chris and I just lying around while the whirling dervish that we call Erin made a huge mess all around us. I basically spent 3 days just hanging out in my chair with the laptop keeping me warm. And since I had a bit of a break from Sweet Blog design work, I decided to finish up the work on my own design portfolio site and the photo-blog I created last Dec. And apparently I was a bit sicker than I thought, because things were much more difficult…

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I have a cold. Or the flu. Possibly a random plague. I blame Julie. She cursed me – a pox upon my house no less! Sure, sure, she promptly lifted the curse, but obviously not fast enough. Because a couple weeks ago Kyle got sick. And Kyle never gets sick! And then while we were in Santa Cruz, Erin started getting sick. She was sick all last week, poor baby. And now I am sick. So yes, I blame Julie. Although I believe she has paid for her sins. She was also sick last week. And then yesterday she called me for tween anecdotes for an article she is writing. Ha! she ended up listening to an almost certainly feverish me babble on about Kyle for 30+ minutes. I have no recollection of what I said to her. More ramblings of a lunatic. She should have been recording that shit. Chopped it up, added some random images and a funky electronic dub, uploaded to YouTube, and become an instant internet phenomenon. Oh well, maybe next time she’ll be ready for me.Warning. Abrupt change in subject.I have been collecting images of Erin in all her hats. Girl likes to wear hats!…

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Event Horizon

The call from the vet was not good news. Bodhi’s kidney levels were through the roof. Apparently she had been sick for some time and was suffering renal failure. It was just a matter of time. So we said our goodbyes, and I took her back to the vet’s yesterday afternoon. What a heart-breaking day.Kyle’s friend picked him up later in the evening and took him to a band event at the school for a couple hours. Chris went to bed early. I watched a little TV and then grabbed my book – I’m almost hesitant to tell you what I was reading, lest you think I am intentionally trying to re-read my youth. Which I’m not, but an interesting idea all the same.I was reading Neuromancer. Which I’m pretty sure I read the first time while I was still in Detroit. Which means – hold on, gotta do a little math and that’s always painful – 17+ years ago. Holy crap. That can not be right. I no longer trust my math skills. Anyway, I read this book a long long time ago. And unlike Jailbird and The Watchmen, I remembered none of it. At points I even doubted…

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