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To-do list. I’ve got one!

I hate when that happens. But I’ve been so busy and have so many things to do, well, my hand was forced. Happily I just managed to cross off a couple things (and one that wasn’t even on the list – hey there WordPress upgrade). Let’s see, I gave Chris the money to deposit into the bank (delegating tasks – check!) and was then able to pay my tuition for the Fall semester’s class. Fees went up $6 a unit. I picked up the text book earlier in the week (along with Using Drupal, which I will tell you about later as I’m not sure which way that rant is gonna go). And I paid from my annual Artist Membership at Vox Sacramento! Wait, now I have to add to the to-do list: write post about the upcoming show and Artist’s Receiption (you are all invited) complete with the flyer! Okay, what’s left… I still need to pick the prints for the Vox show. And once that decision has been made, buy the frames. Make a couple doctor appts. Routine check-ups so no worries. Figure out an excuse to reschedule next weeks dentist appt – again. Really, I don’t need to make excuses, the way my…

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Feelin’ uninspired. Think I’ll start a fire…

The left hemisphere of my brain has been ruling the roost lately and it’s left me very quiet. Not one little ounce of inspiration to write anything about everything that’s going on. My creative muse has been trapped under my 5 lb Dreamweaver book. And then, last Friday morning, the right hemisphere of my brain tried to stage a coup and almost killed me in the process with another wicked migraine. Stupid brain. But on Saturday the visual part of the design process kicked back into gear, so maybe we can get a little balance here. I’ve been immersed in pools and code. Car pools, swimming pools, test servers, databases! No wonder I’m feeling a bit stretched out. And I went and signed up for another class at Sierra College in the fall. Web Programming with PHP. Oh yes, this should be fun for all of us. JavaScript was fun right?! It only broke my brain and ruined my eyesight. But apparently everything I want to do is done with PHP, so what’s a girl to do but learn another programming language. Joy. But classes don’t start until next month. Before then I really need to get my shit together.…

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Gimme A Break

So, it should come as no surprise that JavaScript has completely cured me of any and all desire to take another computer class for as long as I live. That’s right – I don’t care how cool a program name Ruby on Rails is – I’m not going to take the class! Ever!I’m done. I’m over it. I can barely muster the strength to finish the class I’m in. But I will. Cause I’m no quitter thank you very much. Although I will still be throwing something at my mother-in-laws head at some point this weekend. And then next semester – nothing. I’ve decided to not even take Photoshop like I had planned. I am taking the semester off, so I will have absolutely no homework. No assignments. Nada. Nothing to do but whatever the hell I want! Freedom. Sweet glorious sit on my ass eating raisins freedom. Did you notice that if it hadn’t been for Halloween (and Erin’s sudden football love) I wouldn’t have picked up my camera at all this semester? No flickr action? Nothing but headaches and reading glasses here. Programming is no way to live people. But let’s just be clear about this programming thing.…

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I See You…

But I can’t talk now. After all the fun of last week, and several days of headaches, I’ve fallen behind on my to-do list. I need to start the next chapter for class (and writing code is great for distracting your brain from thinking about unpleasant things!), make a photo cd for my dad, call my aunt, go to a counseling appt at the college tomorrow, prepare for a court date next Monday, and pack Kyle’s bags cause he is outta here on Wednesday!So, I need to stay focused. Nose to the grind-stone and all that jazz. In the meantime, you can watch my twitter updates there on the left to monitor my mental health. If things start sounding dire, send mocha frappachinos!I’m kinda brownied-out, but I still need caffiene.

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Get a life.

Wow, I’ve been out more evenings in the past week than I have in the past year! Crazy. In the good way. Finally.Last Thursday I met the beautiful Kimerloo for sushi, adding Sharon to the mix at the last minute. (Kim is moving to San Diego next month and I’m none too happy about that, but I’ll save my rant about crop circles and conspiracy theories for another time.) Saturday evening was spent at the lovely Rachel’s. And last night Sharon arraigned a surprise birthday dinner for Karen at Leatherby’s (minds out of the gutter people – it’s an ice cream parlor) and I had a blast. I haven’t laughed so hard in a long time. I’m not even mentioning that Karen moved to Virginia last year. Nope. Tonight the Sain’t was supposed to drive up for dinner and then leave for Tahoe in the morning to visit his cousin. That has been postponed to Thursday. But still, the point is that my day-timer runneth over. Or something like that. Tomorrow is Chris and my wedding anniversary. 3 years! And the 3rd year is Leather. WooHoo! Go ahead and enjoy the gutter this time, but I’m thinking shoes. Or a…

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