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Extreme Procrastinating

Hells bells. As I mentioned in this post from my website, I have a new job!  Entry Level Self Promotion. yay me. However, as you can see from my freshly vacuumed floors and the start of another zombie apocalypse blog post, I am in avoidance mode. It must be time to write Artist Statements and emails with newsletter invites. gah. But first let me tell you about my weekend! We went to Santa Cruz. It was cold and perfect. I didn’t do any of the work I had assigned myself, but painted and took pictures. Let me show them to you! We drove by the beach. And we went downtown where I saw this: and bought these: I really should get to my to-do list. Erin had a good time with the Ubers: One more just because. Erin making faces while Grandma tries to take her picture. And typical driving home behavior: There are more, so many more, but I have a mat to re-cut. And then maybe some lunch! Then the to-do list. Really. Oh yeah, scroll back up to the top of the sidebar and sign up for my newsletter! There. Earning my pay.

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Oh, I labored all right…

and what did I get for my troubles? Just look at this sweet little girl. (but you know better don’t you?!) We spent the Labor Day weekend in Santa Cruz and Erin wanted to go to the aquarium. Instead of fighting the holiday crowds in Monterey, we visited the Seymour Marine Discovery Center at UC Santa Cruz. While we were there, the boys proved there weren’t so innocent either. Here’s Chris getting a little too friendly with one of the local gals… and as for Kyle, when will he learn not to stick his arm in strange mouths?! Lucky for him that statue likes children. (they taste like chicken!) All and all a successful weekend. A good time had by all and all limbs made it home intact. The only causality was a certain elephant seal’s broken heart and an inexplicable craving for KFC.

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Passing the torch

Now that the site I’ve been working on night and day is for the most part finished, I actually have some time to catch up on my photo editing. I’ve barely made a dent into the pictures I took over the summer, so I’m now working backwards. Yes, it does feel wrong. I starting going through the shots taken on our last visit to Santa Cruz over Labor Day weekend and found some photos of Erin that had me shaking my head. My dad has said on more than one occasion that I was spoiled rotten. That might have been true when I was little, but I’m pretty sure that tap was shut off when I hit double digits. And I am always quick to point out that you can’t spoil yourself and he needs to turn that finger around and point it at the spoiler not the spoiled. Anyways, it seems it is time for the next generation to take the lead. Erin is my in-law’s (the ubers) only grandchild. And Chris certainly made them wait for her. So as you can image, they like her, a lot, and have years of pent-up grandparent spoiling to work through. (And…

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oh life, you are funny

I think I just broke my toe! Which makes perfect since as I’m trying to pack for Santa Cruz. And I think we have more than enough evidence to prove that “life” doesn’t want me to go to Santa Cruz. I’m not going to say anything more for fear of jinxing myself further… Hey, right before I innocently went into the laundry room (of course it is a laundry related accident!), I stumbled upon (HA!) this bouncing blast from the past –   Enjoy your weekend!

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