hells bells How did that happen?! I swear I was still writing August on things when suddenly it was October! What even happened in September?! ::consults Facebook wall:: oh. right. September was full of crazy – good and bad – and it flew by. Everyone was back in school – here is photo proof: Wow. And then there was the headache week from hell that ended with me getting shots in my butt on Day 6. Day 6!! damn. But to spin a positive from all that pain, I did create a couple more pieces of ‘migraine’ art. A Day 4 painting: And a Day 6 photo became a drypoint that I’m still working on: Of course that was the end of my 29Faces run. That week really wiped me out! The next weekend had me and Kyle in San Mateo for the 2-day tournament that starts the fall volleyball season. Always fun. And then Ericfish and John came to visit! And that was more fun! And then, just like that, is was October. so yeah. September was a blur and it’s already the 11th! The Halloween decorations have been up for over a week, and its time to think…
Tag: headaches
I can’t take the pressure!!
Well, that blood pressure medicine I was taking finally kicked in on Tuesday and it was not good. My blood pressure was low. Way low. Passing out now low. So a quick call to the doctor’s office and that experiment is done. No more Norvasc for me. Two days later I’m starting to feel normal again. Well, normal for me. shut up. Turns out I’m going to need my energy, I’ve got a lot of work to get done this weekend. Vox has found a new home and I’m happy to say that I’m going to be exhibiting in the October show! And we hang that show on Monday!! Looks like I’m gonna be framing some photographs and transfers over the next couple days. Also on my to-do list – self portraits for my photography class. gah. Luckily the critique has been pushed back a week so I have a bit more time to get the roll shot, developed, and an enlargement made. But I can’t continue slackin’ on this for long, because in 2 weeks Chris and I are going to Boston for a long weekend! So to recap: This weekend: shoot some photos and frame some other photos.…
human guinea pig
Oh joy. I am again playing human guinea pig with a new drug. I’ve already mentioned the routine doctors appointment last week to get a refill for my migraine medication. Well, my doc is still not happy about the number of headaches I have each month. “So, how about we try another preventative treatment?” I like how he says “we”. But since I am not happy with all these headaches either, I said yes. He scribbled something on his prescription pad, said somethings I didn’t catch (I had a fever remember!) including a warning about dizzy spells, and sent me on my merry way. I should have asked him to repeat all that. I had no idea what I was going to be taking until I actually picked up the pills and talked to the pharmacist. Turns out I’m going to be taking the calcium channel blocker Norvasc, which is used to treat high blood pressure and angina. Apparently it also help with migraines since it relaxes the blood vessels. So the warnings were about potential low blood pressure. oh boy. My blood pressure has always been on the low side of normal. This might get interesting. I’m not sure…
Programmed to self-destruct
Hmm. Remember last year when I declared I was never going to take another programming class ever again?! Yeah. Well, last month when I said I was starting my Programming with PHP class, why didn’t you gently remind me of this? Hell, why didn’t you just start hitting me over the head with a toaster?!! At first I thought things were going to be ok. PHP seemed to make a lot more sense than JavaScript ever did. But that optimism was short lived and PHP done went and broke my brain this past weekend! I spent most of Saturday trying to get my little program to work. As my head was starting to ache, I finally gave up and went to bed completely frustrated. So it was no surprise when I woke up Sunday morning with a wicked bad migraine. Fun. Of course my assignment was due Sunday at 11pm. At 8pm, after another nap, I turned on the computer. As if that wasn’t painful enough, I gave my program another couple attempts – nope, wasn’t happening. I just could not figure it out. Had to turn it in anyways. Double ouch. Yesterday I started the next assignment, which includes…
Feelin’ uninspired. Think I’ll start a fire…
The left hemisphere of my brain has been ruling the roost lately and it’s left me very quiet. Not one little ounce of inspiration to write anything about everything that’s going on. My creative muse has been trapped under my 5 lb Dreamweaver book. And then, last Friday morning, the right hemisphere of my brain tried to stage a coup and almost killed me in the process with another wicked migraine. Stupid brain. But on Saturday the visual part of the design process kicked back into gear, so maybe we can get a little balance here. I’ve been immersed in pools and code. Car pools, swimming pools, test servers, databases! No wonder I’m feeling a bit stretched out. And I went and signed up for another class at Sierra College in the fall. Web Programming with PHP. Oh yes, this should be fun for all of us. JavaScript was fun right?! It only broke my brain and ruined my eyesight. But apparently everything I want to do is done with PHP, so what’s a girl to do but learn another programming language. Joy. But classes don’t start until next month. Before then I really need to get my shit together.…
And the ones that mother gives you. Don’t do anything at all…
Hmpf. This blog needs a new post. I finally have a little breathing room this morning while I wait for IT to call back, and what do you know- I feel like crap. I’m border-line contemplating getting a headache. So, fun for you. Buckle up. Odds are this will make no sense at all. Hmm, I wonder if Bob Mould is on Twitter. No. So onward for better or worse. Ya know, somewhere there is a smart-part of my brain that is shouting “take the pill now!” I’ve heard it’s message faintly a couple times this morning. I suspect that part of my brain is being sat on by the ‘you-only-get-6-pills-a-month’ pill-horder part of my brain. The same part that has enough vicodin to choke a cow stashed away in the bathroom, but never sent up the suggestion to take some while I was suffering excruciating pain pre-ER visit last month. Yeah, that part. The evil s.o.b. part of my brain. Oh dear, this is not going well. Must focus.So, last Friday was a good day. I had planned to write a nice post on Friday afternoon, telling you all about this wonderful chickpea sandwich that had brought me one…