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Merry Ho Ho Ho

Santa came!


and replaced my daughter’s regular legs with mile-long spider limbs!   freaky



oh man. Kyle, Erin, and I played a game of Life – it was almost as painful as the real thing!

And with this gift, Chris gets his phone back. Priceless.


But then he had to build the Monster High Catacombs. No Barbie Dreamhouse for our little ghoul.



I don’t think Chuck Norris appreciated his inflatable unicorn horn, but I sure appreciated this box of art supplies from Santa!


And with the arrival of the grandparents, came an outfit change. Girl cleans up nice.


We are in trouble with this one.

Merry Christmas ya filthy animals!

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Mmm, pudding…

or – Why I’m demanding a DNA test.

Ah yes, I was going to tell you my theory on why I believe Erin was switched with another baby at the hospital. But the proof is in the pudding and a picture is worth a thousand words. Behold:

Domestic Diva
Busy in the kitchen
More coffee Daddy?

She did NOT get that from me! She was all “I cooking” for hours Christmas morning with the sound of those “dancing shoes” clicking on the tiles. I swear I broke out in a rash just watching her!

But maybe these things skip a generation. Because later Christmas evening there was this:

Motherhood is hard

Oh yeah, that’s my girl.

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Oh holy crap!

The other day I ran across a version of Oh Holy Night that was so bloody awful it was a thing of beauty. Tears were streaming down my face it was that good bad <– exactly.

Well, this morning around 5:30 AM I realized that I had that song stuck in my head. And I was re-writing the lyrics. And I could not stop. So I had to get up and write them down. I then was able to fall happily asleep again.

It’s now after 9:00 PM and I’m finally sitting at my computer. And what do I see scribbled on the notebook before me?

Oh holy crap!
The days are quickly dwindling
only six days till our dear Savior’s birth!
I’m not ready, no final preparations
I need to shop and what are we going to eat?
To stores, to stores, the crowded parking lots
I dread them all, I can not find a spot!

Fall on the couch
Oh hear my arches screaming
The crap, the crap
that I have bought to fill stockings
The crap, the crap
That I bought for Christmas morn

And this is why I try to ignore the voices in my head. Merry Christmas.