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100 Proof

I was going through some photos in Lightroom and I realized that I never followed up with how that Mather Golf Course Second Saturday event went… probably because not much came of it. The morning was cold and windy, there wasn’t much foot traffic besides the other vendors, and I only sold one print- a framed 5×7 I pulled off my office wall to use as an example piece on the table. Speaking of my table, here’s how it turned out:and here is a shot with my fancy new canvas print rack full of all the prints I made. Pretty slick eh? Well, I’ll be ready if I ever decide to do that again. In the meantime, I’ve got a lot of prints for sale. Call me!Moving on…Did you hear that little birdie* announce that I’ve started painting again? It’s true. 2 weekends ago I finally started a new canvas. It has been around 2 years since I’ve painted! And I know you are going to jump to the easy assumption that I blame the baby**, but I don’t. That was all Chris’s fault!** ok ok it wasn’t really Chris’s fault. The painting muse was on an extented vacation, but…

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