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And *POOF* we bought a house!

If *POOF* equals 2 months of stress, trauma, and great uncertainty. But yes, after the absolute hell we have gone through, we actually “recorded” yesterday. The house is ours. At the end of the month we will move from Cardinal to Soaring Hawk. Bigger, better, bird – bigger, better house. Our current house (which is a very nice house and still has the best laundry room around!) is under contract and hopefully will be sold in a couple weeks. So now its all about packing and the logistics of the move. joy.

I definitely have trust issues now. I still don’t quite believe that something else won’t happen to screw this up! I will probably need treatment for Post Traumatic Bad Realtor Syndrome. If you’ve heard any of the stories, you’ll know I am not exaggerating. Not even a little bit.

So now I’m trying to catch up on all the ‘art’ things I need to get done. Still trying to figure out what to submit to this year’s State Fair. Due tomorrow! Still need to mat, frame, and wire the pieces for the Crocker art auctions. Drop off next Friday. Ooh and I just got an invite to participate in an encaustic show at the Davis Art Center in August! Hey maybe that just helped me decide to enter the photo and not the encaustic painting to the fair! So how nicely things are working out? Maybe May will be an awesome month cause April really got kinda squirrely there at the end.

And I get shots in my head tomorrow. oh boy.

Photo Apr 06, 2 18 10 PM (1)