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Kick out the jams!

Ladies and gentlemen…

Rock Show Card (1).jpg

So, June is going to be something! But I’ll worry about all of that tomorrow because tonight is Big Names Small Art at the Crocker Art Museum!!
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“The Price of Enlightenment” is here!

Wow. My first solo photography show opened this past weekend. I think I am still trying to process the whole experience.

The Artist Reception was Friday night, and it was great. Friends, family, professors and fellow students all in attendance and of course full of support and praise. A fantastic evening and my only regret is not taking more photos!

The next night was the 2nd Saturday reception and my first real exposure to the general public. And if art is meant to provoke and elicit a reaction, well then mission accomplished! Good or bad, people definitely responded! The evening was absolutely surreal. My favorite moments were when someone would step into the gallery, took a quick look around, mutter “dolls, um no!” turn around and quickly exit! classic.

Again, I neglected to take pictures. Luckily, other people were not so preoccupied. Here is time-lapse video put together by one of the Viewpoint docents. And this is pretty much how the whole evening felt for me!


Thank you to everyone who came out this past weekend. And a special thanks to my husband Chris and my family for putting up with all the craziness these past few months as I finished all the little details in putting this exhibit together. <cough>artist statement</cough>

The show runs through the rest of August, so you still have plenty of time to go check it out. enjoy!

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Tonight is my Artist Reception!!

Oh. Em. Gee.

::kermit arms::


and all that “I should be freaking out” jazz!

Except I’m not really freaking out. Right now…

The Artist Reception for my very first solo show is tonight. This one:

So I’m heading out to get a pedicure and my hair done. A very nice way to spend the afternoon. My artist statement (you may have heard me mention that. ha!) is done. I just need to remember to bring it with me tonight. I have a new outfit thanks to the help of the amazing Evil Jill Matsuhiro! So what would have been my biggest stress of the day can now be saved up for tomorrow night! ha!

All the work of the past year and a half is done.

wow.  That’s kind of crazy isn’t it? A year and a half of blood, sweat, and tears went into 19 photographs on a gallery wall. Hours of being bent over the glass table shooting small things. Days upon days spent in the darkroom. Endless sleepless nights with my brain buzzing over an idea, the motivation, the words to describe the madness!

And Chris still loves me! So, I guess I’m good. See ya tonight!!

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You’re invited!

September Show at Vox Sacramento
September Show at Vox Sacramento

as promised – information about my upcoming show at Vox Sacramento next month!

This is a group show for members of the Flickr group Sacramento Photographers.  The Artist Reception is Friday, Sept 11th and you should definitely come by – beat the Second Saturday rush!

This will be the first showing of my photographs (besides the 2 hanging at the Lincoln Twelve Bridges library) and I am so excited about it.  And a bit intimidated – the works of 25 other fantistic photographers will also be on display. I can’t wait to see everything! I also can’t wait to finally decide which photos to show. I know, I know, I’ll have it all worked out by the end of the weekend. I hope.