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Get a life.

Wow, I’ve been out more evenings in the past week than I have in the past year! Crazy.
In the good way.


Last Thursday I met the beautiful Kimerloo for sushi, adding Sharon to the mix at the last minute. (Kim is moving to San Diego next month and I’m none too happy about that, but I’ll save my rant about crop circles and conspiracy theories for another time.) Saturday evening was spent at the lovely Rachel’s. And last night Sharon arraigned a surprise birthday dinner for Karen at Leatherby’s (minds out of the gutter people – it’s an ice cream parlor) and I had a blast. I haven’t laughed so hard in a long time. I’m not even mentioning that Karen moved to Virginia last year. Nope.

Tonight the Sain’t was supposed to drive up for dinner and then leave for Tahoe in the morning to visit his cousin. That has been postponed to Thursday. But still, the point is that my day-timer runneth over. Or something like that.

Tomorrow is Chris and my wedding anniversary. 3 years! And the 3rd year is Leather. WooHoo! Go ahead and enjoy the gutter this time, but I’m thinking shoes. Or a purse. But what I’m really getting is a massage on Thursday. And that’s better!

Saturday is Karen’s official birthday BBQ and that should be fun. But my schedule for next week doesn’t look so hot. So far I’ve got a counseling appt at the college on Tuesday. Wednesday afternoon I take Kyle to the airport for his annual 2 week southern California fun-fest (but please don’t forget what a crappy life he has!), and Thursday I finally have the dentist appointment to get the crown work done for my root canal. Oh doesn’t that sound like a good time.

But my birthday* is in 2 weeks!! What should we do?

*I hear the 42nd year is camera equipment. How fortuitous.