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No, we did not go bowling – although that does sound fun. I wanted you to know that I finished Legacy of Ashes – my book on the CIA, and you somehow managed to be spared the ranting posts I had brewing for so long. Now poor Chris on the other hand wasn’t so lucky. You should send him flowers.

And, not only did I finish the huge and horrifying CIA book, I’m almost done with Licensed to Kill about the contractors of the private security industry. And I am already scouting Amazon for the next book to read. Chris suggested it might be time for some nice light fiction but I don’t think I’m ready for that yet. I can see him shaking his head now but I can’t help it – I’m into it.

Although I’m not sure which trail I want to follow – stick with the CIA? Get the new Blackwater book? George Tenet’s autobiography? Or should I leave the current war on terror for the cold war and read about Cuba or the Kennedy’s? Maybe even delve back into Russia. So many choices – what’s a girl to do?!

I’m going to the bookstore this afternoon. Got any suggestions?

Update: I bought Charlie Wilson’s War. I like having someone specific to direct my ire at. As Chris says, let’s hope I never need to go to Washington D.C. because if I ever have to fly into the Dull-ass Airport my head will probably explode.

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