Tomorrow is Monday. And I will get up at 6:30AM and shower, make a cup of coffee and then get the kids up and ready for school. I’ll drive Erin to preschool and then… turn around and come home. My semester is over. No more 4 happy hours in the darkroom twice a week. I’m starting to twitch from developer withdrawal already!
The only upside I can think of is that I will now be able to catch up on editing photos. I have several rolls of negs to scan and the pics from Seattle to upload. In the meantime, I do have these photos of Erin that we took one morning before school a couple weeks ago. What a goof-ball!

So, I’ll get caught up on uploading photos, I’ve a pretty impressive summer reading list, and I might even start a new painting. Watch for those “I’m bored/I miss school” tweets coming soon to a screen near you!