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Guess who I finally got in a hotel room?!

Yes, after a failed attempt last summer – the Sain’t and I finally got our picture taken in a hotel room.

Sure, it was a Marriott and my family was there, but hey – you take what you can get right?

The trick is not to plan anything! I called the Sain’t as we were driving into the city. (Hey, I might not stop by to see you but I always call as I drive through. And I wave.) I wanted him to look out a window at the mighty fine sunset that was going on. But not only was he not near a west-facing window, he was down the bay in Fremont. Which puts him driving by our SFO hotel on his was home. And imagine that, he actually stopped by! So, I got to hang with another Detroiter* before we even left California. Fun for me. And then I saw my Aunt who lives Sacramento while I was in Detroit. So it goes.

* Sure, after 17 years he could be considered a former Detroiter but I’m counting it. We never really loose those mid-west sensibilities. Or accents.

2 thoughts on “Guess who I finally got in a hotel room?!

  1. “So it goes”???

    Did she die?

  2. Yes, it’s true- serendipity at its best.

    I think I commented to the wrong post a moment ago.

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