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Do they charge late fees?

Well. The Easter bunny came and went and yet – no baby. Crap.
I just got back from another doctor’s visit – no change. Crap.
If I haven’t gone into labor by then, I have another appointment set for Friday – when we’ll discuss the possibility of inducing me. Holy crap.
It’s all so very annoying.

Other than the threat of a never-ending pregnancy, things are fine. I spent the last week with Kyle at home each and every day on Spring Break and we both survived. In fact it was no problem at all. And no one is more surprised than I am. I might even let Kyle stay home the last half of June before I go back to work.

Work?! Hmm… after one month off I can barely remember having to go to the office every day. It’s much nicer here. And the cat seems to enjoy having the company.

So, that’s it. We wait. I haven’t gotten desperate enough to try vacuuming or mopping the floors in the hopes of starting labor. If those things really worked I would have had the baby already since I did end up cleaning the fridge last week. But maybe a couple laps around the bookstore would help. I just whipped through “The Namesake”. What should I read next?

1 thought on “Do they charge late fees?

  1. Hang in there. 11 days to go.

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