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Are you worried that this blog is going to be all about school and my bitter complaints about the weather? Well, that might seem a valid concern after the last 2 posts, but I doubt there will be that much more to say about my class.

Now the temperature issue – I’m not going to make any promises about that one.

But I’ve gotta admit, I’m just not groovin’ with the new look of this page. It’s pretty and all but it doesn’t inspire me. It just doesn’t feel like ‘me’. Which is kinda silly since I designed it -used one of my beach photos and picked the color scheme. But it’s too calm and soothing, which is not really my mood when I’m writing. I’m thinking of changing it back to the grassy field banner and green color scheme until I come up with a new idea.

And more things are changing around here. Erin is this close to walking. Besides circumnavigating the coffee table, she will hold your finger and walk across the room. And over the weekend she started walking behind her ride-on contraption. She is also climbing up on everything! Oh the joy.

Things are changing for the better for Kyle’s baseball team. They have been winning games. Not every game, but enough games that they’ve pulled out of last place in the league standings. And win or lose, I gotta tell ya – I love watching their games! Yeah no one is more surprised than I am.

A Kyle change that I’m not enjoying so much is the fact that in less than a month, his elementary school career will be over. (Thanks for that Chris) Next year he will be in Middle School! We went to the Parent Orientation last Thursday. Ugh. I’m sorry, but I think the 6th grade should be in elementary, not Jr. High. But I was not consulted and now Kyle is going to have to get his shit together. His last progress report was less than stellar. Far too many late assignments. Not good.

What else? Chris is also going back to school. (Hey, I figure I’ll get the rest of the school stuff out in this post and then that will be it.) He just mailed the tuition check for his first class to get his Masters in Financial Services and CRP. Hmm, compared to that, a little computer code doesn’t sound that bad eh?

And saving the best for last – next Wednesday’s high is only 79!

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