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Extreme Procrastinating

Hells bells. As I mentioned in this post from my website, I have a new job!  Entry Level Self Promotion. yay me.

However, as you can see from my freshly vacuumed floors and the start of another zombie apocalypse blog post, I am in avoidance mode. It must be time to write Artist Statements and emails with newsletter invites. gah.

But first let me tell you about my weekend!

We went to Santa Cruz. It was cold and perfect. I didn’t do any of the work I had assigned myself, but painted and took pictures. Let me show them to you!

We drove by the beach.

And we went downtown where I saw this:

and bought these:

I really should get to my to-do list.

Erin had a good time with the Ubers:

One more just because.

Erin making faces while Grandma tries to take her picture.

And typical driving home behavior:

There are more, so many more, but I have a mat to re-cut. And then maybe some lunch! Then the to-do list. Really.

Oh yeah, scroll back up to the top of the sidebar and sign up for my newsletter!

There. Earning my pay.

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Not my baby!!!

Today was Kyle’s first day of high school.

High school.

But first there was texting to be done.

Then a god-mom-take-your-silly-picture smile and he was off.

He said he did not need me to walk him to school. Bummer.
I was even wearing my fancy pajamas.

Paparazzi mom ACTIVATE!

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Then the I-5 tried to kill me…

Of course. I finally make it home from the 4-day volleyball-fest, get caught up on my sleep, and the welcome-home-allergies I thought I was experiencing turns out to be a cold. It’s 93 degrees outside and I have a cold. This sucks.

So Kyle had his first club volleyball tournament last weekend. He is on the NCVC 14-1 team (got bumped up from the 14-2 team after his 2nd practice) and he did great!

And I could tell you about how absolutely exhausting those 4 days were, or how I should have stayed in Malibu on Monday night but decided to drive home instead and then the I-5 tried to kill me and I had a near-psychotic episode and was delirious by the time I got home, but you don’t want to hear about that. How about some pictures instead?

And before I start hitting the NyQuil, let me show you something I put together between last week’s evil blog migration woes and this week’s PTI-5S* recovery – my new website!

I would like to thank Schmutzie for encouraging me to check out Squarespace and I can not say enough good things about my hosting company Tiger Technologies for the awesome support and getting my domain name issues taken care of.

*PTI-5S – Post Traumatic Interstate 5 Syndrome. Someone call Langley because I’ve figured out how to bring someone to the breaking point without resorting to waterboarding. Cheney would definitely approve!

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it’s over //insert sad-face here

Tomorrow is Monday. And I will get up at 6:30AM and shower, make a cup of coffee and then get the kids up and ready for school. I’ll drive Erin to preschool and then… turn around and come home. My semester is over. No more 4 happy hours in the darkroom twice a week. I’m starting to twitch from developer withdrawal already!

The only upside I can think of is that I will now be able to catch up on editing photos. I have several rolls of negs to scan and the pics from Seattle to upload. In the meantime, I do have these photos of Erin that we took one morning before school a couple weeks ago. What a goof-ball!

Oh how I was this one was in focus! What a little minx she is.


um, yeah I don't know what she's doing either

So, I’ll get caught up on uploading photos, I’ve a pretty impressive summer reading list, and I might even start a new painting. Watch for those “I’m bored/I miss school” tweets coming soon to a screen near you!