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Extreme Procrastinating

Hells bells. As I mentioned in this post from my website, I have a new job!  Entry Level Self Promotion. yay me.

However, as you can see from my freshly vacuumed floors and the start of another zombie apocalypse blog post, I am in avoidance mode. It must be time to write Artist Statements and emails with newsletter invites. gah.

But first let me tell you about my weekend!

We went to Santa Cruz. It was cold and perfect. I didn’t do any of the work I had assigned myself, but painted and took pictures. Let me show them to you!

We drove by the beach.

And we went downtown where I saw this:

and bought these:

I really should get to my to-do list.

Erin had a good time with the Ubers:

One more just because.

Erin making faces while Grandma tries to take her picture.

And typical driving home behavior:

There are more, so many more, but I have a mat to re-cut. And then maybe some lunch! Then the to-do list. Really.

Oh yeah, scroll back up to the top of the sidebar and sign up for my newsletter!

There. Earning my pay.

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I sold my husband on Ebay – cheap!

OK, that’s not entirely true. What is true is that I sold the photograph I had up at this month’s Vox show!  (Man, I love saying that!)

Hopeless Romantic

Yep, that’s Chris, the reluctant model for one of the Utata Iron Photographer projects. And speaking of Utata, guess who is part of their new Code Ninja Strike Force? That’s right – me! And that is their title, not mine – these are my people! I’m told I’ll be paid in cake. That’s cool.

In other big news, in the paying gig world, I am the new Code Artist for Sweet Blog Design! I am so happy to be working with some of my favorite bloggers.

I sold a photo. I am a Code Ninja/Code Artist/geek. I think that covers it.

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Life as a statistic

And it comes to this… I am now officially unemployed. An innocent victim of corporate downsizing. /insert mild freak-out here/

9 ½ years at Positron and now nothing. There isn’t even an office to go back and visit. Everything was packed up and moved out yesterday afternoon, basically leaving no physical evidence of where I spent a good part of each day for the past decade. And that is surreal to say the least.

This morning I got up, got ready as usual, and took Erin to Jen’s. And then came back home. My job is now to find a job. So, who needs a website?

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sad. pissed. hurt. whatever…

I should post something…

I’ve got nothing. I packed the last of my personal belongings from my desk today. But the things that are upsetting me I can’t talk about here. And in the long run, they aren’t important. So

in other news, I couldn’t get my doctor to write me a note for Taekwondo class stating that 100 jumping jacks are not good for me. Quack.

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You take the good you take the bad

Last Monday I hit the ‘anger phase’ regarding my forthcoming job loss. And I’ve got to tell ya, I enjoy a low-grade petulance far more than being depressed!

Nevertheless, all the ups and downs of the last two weeks are making me seasick

But here is the really strange thing that I have been reluctant to talk about. As soon as I found out I was losing my job, things I have been dreaming about doing have just started falling into place!

/insert all the sappy “one door closing…” “let go of what you cling to…” crap here/

I’m going to be part of a group show at Vox Sacramento in September. My photographs hanging in a gallery – hot damn and finally! Show opens for Second Saturday and will run for the month. And then in October, Vox Sac is having a children’s exhibit and Kyle will get to be a part of that and show his photos. Maybe now he’ll stop complaining about me always dragging him around town with me. Especially if I continue to find good slices of pizza.

I’ve got something else in the works that has me pretty excited, but I’m not ready to talk about it yet. And I certainly don’t feel like talking about the Parent/Toddler swim classes that start next month. I will tell you that Erin found the Disney Princess bathing suit Grandma bought her and it was all I could do to keep that girl in her clothes! Suddenly our world has become all about those damn princesses. Gah.

In not-so-pink Erin news, she’s gone polysyllabic on us, shooting Chris the doe-eyes and dropping a painstaking “bi-cy-cle” on him. Of course she got to go for a bike ride after that! She’s also started saying “hold-ee” when she wants to be picked up. And when she follows that with snuggling into your neck while wrapping her long limbs around you, it’s kinda hard to resist. Good thing I have a heart of stone. Chris is doomed.

Now Kyle, on the other hand, stinks. Literally. 12 has brought a stench with it that is hard to describe. Chris says it is because of the hormones kickin’ in. I don’t know anything about that, but apparently that’s what happens – boy stink. Kyle had his friend Noah over to skate the other day, and when they both came in the house all sweaty, well, it was enough to make your eyes water and the paint peel off the walls! Damn.

This blog post is all over the place. How fitting. Happy Father’s Day.

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It’s the end of the world as we know it.

And I most certainly do NOT feel fine. I should be writing about my new Taekwondo classes. Or that Chris is out of town and I’m staying up too late each night, as is my way. Even going on about the wicked awesome lightning storm we had last night would be better than what I’ve got for you – which is a swift side-kick to the gut! Ok, maybe that is just how I took the news. You’ll be fine. Me? I’m not so sure. I found out yesterday morning (on a conference call!) that our new corporate overlords are closing down my office and eliminating my position. Fuck. I’ll work through July 1st and then it’s over. I’ll be unemployed. I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around this. I’ve worked here for over 9 ½ years! Getting up in the morning and coming into the office is just what I do. Even with a migraine pending, routine takes over and I find myself sitting at my desk with a cup of coffee. The office is my “happy place”. I have (had -thank you very much) the best job in the world! People are lined up a mile long for my job. And it’s gone. Just like that. And I am depressed. And Chris isn’t here. And I just signed a 6 month contract w/Robinson’s Taekwondo 2 nights ago. And I’m sitting at my desk with a cup of coffee and I’m not ok. Not even a little bit.