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Again with the words…

Well I finished my video game. There may have been tears – but you have no proof, so move along! There was a huge twist, a couple shocking and painful betrayals, and then an amazing ending that leaves you chomping at the bit for the next installment of the game! A quick google search assured me that it is in the works, although I didn’t watch the recently released trailer because there is only so much a girl can handle in one afternoon! Of course I’ve since started the game over with a new character who will now make all the opposite big decisions to see what happens. It is strange how even the most off-handed comments from the companions takes on new meaning now…But you didn’t come here for talk of video games -or did you? More geek less art? What about when worlds collide?? ::sigh::Fine. Art. ha! I have a solo show in June at the Sacramento Poetry Center. Ta-da! ::hides paper bag I’ve been breathing into behind back::I keep waking up with my brain running around in circles trying to decide on a show title. oh my god. my brain is so annoying! So I invited Bethanie…

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::insert some David Bowie here – play ridiculously loud::So. It looks like color is slowly coming back to my creative mix. After what feels like a year of working in primarily black and white and avoiding paint brushes, here I am painting – with watercolors no less! Strange days indeed. I am definitely in the midst of a shift. The video game I have been immersed in is about to end. A final battle to be won and then it is over. I could have finished it yesterday, but busied myself with old side quests instead. I don’t want it to end. The story has been so good and I was so in need of the escape, but that is at an end too. If you know me, my love of playing video games is no surprise. And as with my art, I move in and out of playing as the mood strikes. But every now and then I go deep and play a lot. It’s usually when I have a bunch of things on my mind and I see it as a way to process. It is often accompanied by a creative dry period. Again processing. But playing a…

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New Year = New Website

Some people are all about spring cleaning, but I am a New Year cleaning kinda person. I take down the Christmas decorations and get all inspired by the uncluttered spaciousness of the house and I’m off! My studio always gets cleaned up for company in December because it is technically the formal living/dining space and we host Christmas dinner, so by the time January comes around, the studio is already in pretty good shape. But there is always room for some organizational improvement and the purging of hoarded “I might use this someday” art supplies! This year I tossed a bunch of old magazine and sorted through a pile of random packing materials and papers on a shelf of the workbench. Usually, that would be enough procrastinating and I could get back to making art, but noooo….My arch-nemisis “Big Dumb Brain” decided that maybe Ink & Bone Alchemy should include a Society6 account in addition to the Esty shop. Oh and we should probably learn to use a new vector art program while we’re at it. And if it doesn’t seem like I hate myself enough, yesterday I decided to redesign my website!oh. my. fucking. god. why??!!!::deep breath::::one more::I’m fine.…

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A blast from the past on several levels

I opened up WordPress this morning to make a small change to my sidebar and then I was going to be on my merry way. But look! A comment on my last post! I’ll make a quick reply. Done. Happy. Now let’s get outta here and – wait. What is that?! There! At the bottom of my post. Under those silly (but intentional – as in I remember adding that plug-in to my site) “Post to” buttons. Where the hell did those “You might also like…” links come from?? Sure, I’ve seen them on other sites. Might have added them myself to design jobs. But I have never seen them on my site before?? Have they always been there? Was the plug-in added and then somehow in the last week activated without my knowledge?? Elves? Sleep-coding? You never know… there has been a lot of Nyquil consumed this past week. But while I was trying to wrap my head around how this happened (my head hurts and I haven’t had my second cup of coffee so I could very well be hallucinating the whole thing!) – I clicked one of the links. Floor and Water… Doh! A post from January…

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How do you solve a problem like Elfini

damn this blog. At least the zombie genre is still popular, cause this blog just won’t stay dead. And that’s not really what I want anyways, but what to do? Add to my general apathy to write anything (insert Social Media killed the Blog argument here), there is the issue of the name “elfini”. It feels over for me. It was a past life that doesn’t resonate anymore. Yet to change it isn’t the answer either. So I made a new banner. And got rid of a sidebar. There. New year, new look. Still nothing to say. So it goes. But, since we aren’t ready to give up just yet, I will make an effort to post here more often. Something. Even if it is only pictures of Erin for the Uber-in-laws. Hey! Speaking of the Ubers – they are having their 50th wedding anniversary this month! That’s pretty damn awesome. And my job is to scan 50 years worth of photos for a slideshow. I scanned 36 pics this morning and have many many envelopes still to go. Here are a few of my favorites so far: damn. This is making *me* feel old. Look, Hobbits! Aww, a six…

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Extreme Procrastinating

Hells bells. As I mentioned in this post from my website, I have a new job!  Entry Level Self Promotion. yay me. However, as you can see from my freshly vacuumed floors and the start of another zombie apocalypse blog post, I am in avoidance mode. It must be time to write Artist Statements and emails with newsletter invites. gah. But first let me tell you about my weekend! We went to Santa Cruz. It was cold and perfect. I didn’t do any of the work I had assigned myself, but painted and took pictures. Let me show them to you! We drove by the beach. And we went downtown where I saw this: and bought these: I really should get to my to-do list. Erin had a good time with the Ubers: One more just because. Erin making faces while Grandma tries to take her picture. And typical driving home behavior: There are more, so many more, but I have a mat to re-cut. And then maybe some lunch! Then the to-do list. Really. Oh yeah, scroll back up to the top of the sidebar and sign up for my newsletter! There. Earning my pay.

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