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Big Brother

And I’m not talking about the George Orwell kind of Big Brother. Although I can see that baby monitor with video being very useful in the years to come.

Kyle has turned out to be a great big brother. Man does he love and fuss over Erin. He has even changed diapers without being asked! He’s been lucky so far and has only opened wet diapers. I’m afraid his first encounter with the other kind will make him gun shy about the solo changes. (Notice that I’m not mentioning poop directly. This ain’t that kind of blog)

Siblings-a-gogo (or should that be gah gah?)

And of course there are more at Flickr. Lots more. In fact I had a hard time limiting myself to the dozen I added. Those kids are cute!

Man, I need to get out of town again. But not this weekend. Tomorrow we are finally going to have that abalone I’ve been requesting the last 2 months. Jeez. And as a special bonus – my friend Eric is in town!!!

2 thoughts on “Big Brother

  1. And the envelope please . . . yes! The Sain’t. Right. Once. Again.

  2. No need to be smug about it. Especially since you posted your commented on the wrong entry.

    Now, once again, where are my perogies??!!!

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