Old About Page

I am a photographer, painter, web designer, out of practice yogini, voracious reader, sporadic knitter and reluctant cook. I am a wife, mother of a 13 and 3 year old,  and have been described as a “kicky” gal. I can live with that.

I am not a writer and I don’t play one on tv or the internet. Words are not my thing. In fact, words and I are barely on speaking terms. So, enjoy the rants about my children or web programming and the obligatory photos of the “grandbaby”.


And I am *NOT* an engineer!

25 things you should know about me. There will be a quiz.

  1. I was born in Detroit, Michigan. If both my kids were born in California, can I still be a Motor-city Mama?
  2. I am adopted and I think Iggy Pop is my “real” dad.
  3. My eyes used to be blue. Now they’re green.
  4. I grew up in a pink house. With coral trim. It’s a very romantic story… really!
  5. I graduated #9 in my high school class. I’m smart. Didn’t take any of those annoying AP classes.
  6. Met Johnny Rotten after a PIL concert. When my then boyfriend said “So, I hear you’re gonna jam with Ted Nugent”, Johnny flipped him off and said “Fuck that!” Sweet.
  7. I got the hell out of Michigan in ’90. Took the Sain’t with me.
  8. Lived in San Francisco, went back to Detroit for awhile, and then moved to Southern California. Now I am back in Northern California. I get around.
  9. I have lived beach-front twice! It is as great as you think.
  10. I have been creating art all my life. But really, who lets a 5yr old use oils?!
  11. Me and a room-mate (also a painter) lived in a big brick gallery/studio in Ventura, Ca. When we moved in, there was only a bathroom w/sink and toilet, a closet, and space!
  12. We had an exhibit of our paintings at a gallery on Main St. and opened our studio for the Christmas Art Walk that year. Surreal evening…
  13. I am a connoisseur of community colleges.
  14. I tell my son that his ‘real’ name is Rufus Beauregard.
  15. I am the meanest mom ever!
  16. I am now married to a man I think is wonderful! In spite of his being an engineer.
  17. I taught myself HTML/CSS so that I could tweak the looks of my first blog. How I ended up programming with PHP is a mystery.
  18. Don’t call me an engineer!
  19. Although I dream of upgrading my dSLR, the Holga is my favorite camera.
  20. My folks split the year between Michigan and Florida. I miss them and don’t get to see them nearly enough!
  21. My dad is 90. That scares the shit out of me.
  22. I love my in-laws. The fact that they now live in Santa Cruz is the cherry on top of an extra large strawberry shake.
  23. I don’t like to cook. You probably already knew that. Avocados are my favorite food group.
  24. I hate having my picture taken.
  25. Boston Coolers are blended! The Sain’t is wrong.

2 thoughts on “Old About Page

  1. Very wonderful and interesting read! You are more of a writer than you think ~ lively! What is a Sain’t? Hey you need to update ~ you did update you dSLR! Is the Holga still your fav camera?

    1. Yeah Vicki, looks like it might be time for an About Me facelift – things are starting to sag around here. And currently my iPhone is my favorite camera! 😉

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