Well, it is a bit short notice, but I will have art on display and for sale at the Flywheel Grand Opening tomorrow April 18th! Also showing their work will be the lovely Jill Allyn Stafford and Micah Crandall-Bear. So excited!
From the Facebook event page:

It’s time for a party! The Flywheel Incubator has a new location to shop, create and connect and we want to celebrate with you.
Thursday, April 18th
Downtown Plaza, first floor near Lens Crafters
There will be music, food, drinks, art and locally created items for your enjoyment. Please rsvp to friends@sacabc.org. A $10 donation is kindly appreciated by clicking here: www.wepay.com/donations/pARTners
Flywheel Incubator Residents:
Chalk It Up
Eben 07
Juniper James
L/C Mural & Design
New Helvetia Theatre
Sol Collective
Sugar Skull Art
Local Designers:
Ana Apple
Bart XV
BKD Signature
Kings Tribe
Maisha Bahati
Pretty Handsome
Vivid Venus
Whitt Lore
Store Partners:
MediumRare Records – buy & sell vintage vinyl
ReCreate Studios – make an art piece or craft project
Lead Sponsors:
Sports Leisure Vacations
Goldman Communications
Sacramento State University
Downtown Plaza
Presented by the Arts & Business Council, a 501c3 nonprofit organization formed in 1987 to connect business with the arts. Learn more at www.sacabc.org
Should be a fun evening! Hope to see you there.